Monday, May 5, 2008

Enchanted Carrot cake!

Who doesn't like Carrot cake? Well Ash, Dane, Ali and i have started a new trend, Carrot cake bake night at Sahara Tower.
As we were all having a day off, the 3 Aussies and a Mauritian decided to congregate for a night of kicks, giggles, cake and film. After our random decision to have cake at 9pm, we all went down to the local super to grab a cake pan, carrot cake mix and carrots. Here are some pics to prove it to you.

After we jabbed and violated the cake countless times, it was finally ready and here were are chowing down. The fully sickest carrot cake. You should all try it, its tons of fun.

We ended up going with Ash's choice of Disney's Enchanted and ended up staying up to the wee hours of the morning talking in song and Carrot cake.

O bless!

*ingredients brought to you by Lifco.

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