Monday, December 28, 2009

Salaam Alaykum! my come back!

G'day! Yes I know it has been over a year and yes I have had a number of you bugging me to continue charting my life again, supposedly Hello & New Idea magazines just don't cut it for you anymore LOL . So here I go again. The past year has been absolutely phenomenal, I have been so incredibly blessed with amazing opportunities of travel and have witnessed some awe-inspiring places that people call home. So I shall flick through my trunk of archived goodies and bring them to you. And may I include that countless bottles of laughter have been tapped with my dearest friends and even strangers on a random mountain top. So yep I am crawling back from the flatline. Bless your cotton socks people!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Welcome back, Doyle! You were much missed in the blogging world. You know I am your biggest fan ;-)